Groom your Eyebrows with Six Simple Hacks

A great pair of luscious eyebrows is every girl’s dream. You must have spent oodles of your internet time searching for great hacks to get your eyebrows looking wow. The number of YouTube eyebrow makeup and grooming videos that you have watched, you surely must have lost the count. Healthy and full eyebrows can make any face look absolutely gorgeous. No wonder why even the best of the best beauty queens are envious of Cara Delevingne!

But don’t think that the perfect eyebrows are just a dream because they are not. You can very well have a stunning pair of eyebrows only if you groom the right way. There are so many ways in which you can groom your eyebrows but are they even the right way? Even before getting on with grooming, you must learn six very simple hacks through which you can up your eyebrow grooming game.

1. Lighting 
The lights that you use for eyebrow shaping will definitely define the kind of result you will see. Spare the torture and opt for some adequate lighting. Eyebrow grooming in dim lights is absolute suicide. You might be thinking that well yeah you have plucked all that was unnecessary only to find it in broad daylight that either you have left bald spots or have all the little ingrown still lurking around. Any kind of professional eyebrow shaping place will ensure that the lights are not compromised. And it is not something that you should even think of letting pass.

2. Avoid massive magnification

Magnifying mirrors for eyebrow shaping might be an excellent option to correctly see whether all those extra hair follicles are uprooted or not. But magnifying mirrors over exemplify your face and every feature so it is very likely to happen that you might end up uprooting hair follicles which should have stayed. And now when you look at the spot with your naked eye, you see a bald spot. 

3. Best trimming tool

For painless eyebrow shaping, you need to vouch for a tool that will give you the right kind of results with minimal pain. The nose hair trimmer is the perfect option for eyebrow shaping. You can trim the eyebrow hair very effectively without having to cause yourself any nicks and cuts. The rounded tip will have as less an impact that will not cause much pain. 

4. Don’t go for symmetry

You would have googled several times “eyebrow shaping near me” just to find the right spot where you can get two beautiful symmetrical pair of eyebrows. Fact check! You will not. Your eyebrows have to be sisters and not twins, and you cannot expect both of them to look exactly the same. Don’t over obsess with the symmetry of your brows. Instead, focus on getting all the unwanted follicles plucked, and the brow line is trimmed in a line. 

5. Use eyeshadow as a marker

Many women use white eyeliner while eyebrow shaping to mark the boundaries. But eyeliners can get sticky and push down hair against the skin. It will get difficult to pluck that hair out. A white eyeshadow can do the trick instead. Just pat some white eyeshadow at the exteriors, and you can clearly see all the hair that goes beyond the boundary line. 

6. Time the groom

Any professional eyebrow shaping expert will say that it is always best to trim eyebrows after having applied all makeup. When you shape your eyebrows once the complete makeup is done, you can complement the overall look that will go with your overall appearance. When your eyebrow game will be high, you will be dazzling like a diva.

Spare yourself the effort and reach out to Wisplashes to get your eyebrows talking. Their expert solutions and stylists will transform your look and ensure that you don’t have to worry even a bit to get the brows going Boom Chicka Wow Wow!


  1. I apply eyelash extensions with professional products. The application is done in a comfortable environment, respecting all hygiene rules extensii gene


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